The Network Newsletter (Fall 2019)

The Network - Fall 2019
From the Department Head
I could not be more thrilled to help highlight some of the amazing work and outreach of our students, faculty, and alumni in this inaugural issue of The Network.
With the Commonwealth's commitment to growing the tech talent pipeline, the department will have substantial new investments in faculty and capital projects in Blacksburg and Virginia Tech's new innovation campus. Our recently approved master of engineering in computer science degree will be a featured component of the larger graduate program planned for the innovation campus. At the same time, in Blacksburg we expect to nearly double our undergraduate program and faculty size over the next decade. The challenge is great, but the potential impact is even greater.
Please stay in touch and consider partnering with us as we move into this exciting future!
Cal Ribbens
Department Head
Master of Engineering in Computer Science
A new computer science graduate degree is now available at both Blacksburg and Northern Virginia facilities. The master of engineering degree will prepare students with the knowledge and skills needed for mid-level and advanced positions in industries related to computer and enhance marketability to employers.
Computer science career fair gives back to students
More than 1,100 students attended the Computer Science Resources Consortium fall career fair to contact more than 85 companies. Watch this video to learn more about the career fair's impact.
The PhD student and National Science Foundation research trainee in the multidisciplinary UrbComp program, administered through the Discovery Analytics Center, will compare online and offline social networks to provide urban planners and local leaders with insights and expanded tools to increase the voice and visibility of historically marginalized citizens.

Tanushree Mitra among first to receive research grant providing access to Facebook data
The assistant professor of computer science and a faculty member at the Discovery Analytics Center is also one of only two women to receive the Social Media and Democracy Research Grant. Mitra and her team will study how misinformation and other problematic content spread on the platform.
We're growing our faculty positions
The department is growing rapidly! Thanks to substantial multi-year investments from the Commonwealth of Virginia combined with significant infrastructure investments by Virginia Tech, we anticipate hiring multiple faculty members at all ranks and in all areas for the next several years.

Computer science alumnus, Dr. Greg Lavender (M.S. '88, PhD '93), was promoted to CTO of VMware in August. We sat down with him to discuss how his time at Virginia Tech and mentors helped him get there.
Gifts help our students learn
- Unrestricted current-use gifts have the most immediate and flexible impact on students and on the department's growth and excellence.
- The department is building a special endowed fund, the Barbara Ryder Excellence Fund, which is particularly focused on supporting diversity and inclusion in computer science.
- Endowed scholarships help build our undergraduate scholarship endowment.

Keep in touch
We love to hear from our Computer Science (CS) alumni! If you're in the Blacksburg area, please drop by for a visit or attend one of our alumni functions. Contact Hayley Roulston, alumni relations coordinator, for more ways to get involved with the department.
To better stay connected with the department, review and update your information.